Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry seeks to glorify God by offering hope to all women. We accomplish this by encouraging one another, praying together and providing opportunities to grow closer to Jesus.

If you have any questions or want to connect with Mary Clay (Head of Women's Ministry), email her at womensministry@sunnysidealliancechurch.org or fill out the form below!

What's Happening?

Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study

Sunnyside Ladies Bible Study is meeting on Tuesday 6:30p for 9 weeks starting Jan 14th. If you would like to join the ladies, contact the front office 410-943-8413. Or Mary Clay at womensministry@sunnysidealliancechurch.org

Galentine's Party
Galentine's Party

While preparing for Valentine’s Day, we would like to enjoy a time of fellowship with all the ladies of Sunnyside. Join us for a Galentine’s Day. Bring a dish to share and a $5 gift to exchange.

Plan to laugh, eat, love on another and spend some time with Jesus.

Ways to sign up in the church lobby, contact front office 410-943-8413 or email Mary Clay at womensministry@sunnysidealliancechurch.org

Past Events with Women's Ministry

Want to join Women's Ministry, fill out the form below and we will have Mary Clay connect with you!

Fields marked with an * are required